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Year 1985, series of 2 stamps no. 127 – 28 of the Catalog Yvert, value 4.60€. International Center for Advanced Technical and Vocational Training in Turin.

Year 1985, series of 2 stamps no. 129 – 30 of Catalog Yvert, value 2.85€. United Nations University.

Year 1985, series current of 2 stamps no. 131- 32 of the Catalog Yvert, value 2€. Postman and pigeons.

Year 1985, series of 2 stamps no. 133 – 34 of Catalog Yvert, value 2.60€.
Year 1985, HB 3 of Catalog Yvert, value 3.10€. Anniversary 40 of the United Nations.

Year 1985, series of 2 stamps no. 135 – 36 of Catalog Yvert, value 3.90€. Protection of Children.

Year 1986, series of 1 stamp No. 137 from the Catalog Yvert, value 3.10€. Africa in crisis.

Año 1986, serie corriente de 1 sello en bloque de 4 nº 138 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 1€. Gaviotas en vuelo.

Year 1986, series of 4 stamps in block of 4 no. 139 – 42 of Catalog Yvert, value 12.60€. The United Nations Development Program.

Year 1986, series of 2 stamps no. 143 – 44 of Catalog Yvert, value 3.20€. The Philately, Hobby International.

Year 1986, series of 2 stamps no. 145 – 46 of Catalog Yvert, value 4.30€. International Year of Peace.

Year 1988, series current of 1 stamp No. 162 from the Catalog Yvert, value 1€. Allegories.

Year 1988, series of 2 stamps no. 163- 64 of the Catalog Yvert, value 3.55€. International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

Year 1988, series of 2 stamps no. 167- 68 of Catalog Yvert, value 3.80€. The International Year of Volunteers.

Year 1988, series of 2 stamps no. 169 – 70 of Catalog Yvert, value 4.10€. Health in the sport.

Year 1988, series of 1 stamp No. 171 of Catalog Yvert, value 1.70€.
Year 1988, HB 5 of Catalog Yvert, value 4.20€. Anniversary 40 of the Universal Declaration of the rights of man.

Year 1989, series of 2 stamps no. 173 – 74 of Catalog Yvert, value 4.45€. The World Bank.

Year 1989, series of 1 stamp No. 175 of Catalog Yvert, value 2€. Delivery of the Peace Prize 1988 to the forces to maintain the peace of the United Nations.

Year 1989, serie of 2 stamps no. 176- 77 of the Catalog Yvert, value 4.90€. World Day of Meteorology.

Year 1989, series of 2 stamps no. 178- 79 of the Catalog Yvert, value €5.50. X Anniversary of the Vienna Office.

Year 1989, serie of 6 stamps no. 180 – 85 of Catalog Yvert, value 8.40€. Universal Declaration of the rights of man.

Year 1991, Series current of 2 stamps no. 208 – 9 of the Catalog Yvert, value 3.10€. Votes and Emblem of the United Nations.

Year 1991, series of 2 stamps no. 210 – 11 of Catalog Yvert, value 4.10€. Rights of Children.

Year 1991, series of 2 stamps no. 212 – 13 of Catalog Yvert, value 4.20€. Fight against the use of chemical weapons.

Year 1991, series of 2 stamps no. 214 – 15 From Catalog Yvert, value 4.20€. Anniversary 40 of the United Nations Postal Administration.

Year 1991, series of 6 stamps no. 216 – 21 of Catalog Yvert, value 9.60€. Universal Declaration of the rights of man.

Year 1994, series of 4 stamps no. 265 – 68 of Catalog Yvert, value 9.60€. Protection of nature. Animals in danger of extinction.

Year 1995, serie of 1 stamp No. 281 from the Catalog Yvert, value 1.60€. Anniversary 50 of the Organization of the United Nations.

Year 1995, series of 1 stamp No. 282 of Catalog Yvert, value 2.70€. Office Social of the United Nations in Copenhagen.

Year 1995, series of 2 stamps no. 287 – 88 of Catalog Yvert, value 3.80€. Youth our future.

Year 1995, series of 2 stamps no. 289 – 90 of the Catalog Yvert, value 3.65€.
Year 1995, HB 7 of the Catalog Yvert, value 5.30€. Anniversary 50 of the United Nations.

Year 1995, series of 2 stamps no. 291- 92 of the Catalog Yvert, value 3.40€. IV World Conference on Women.

Year 2001, series of 2 stamps no. 428 – 29 of Catalog Yvert, value 4.80€. The International Year of Volunteers.

Year 2001, series of 1 stamp No. 438 of Catalog Yvert, value 2.80€. Anniversary 40 the death of Dag Hammarskjold, Secretary General from 1953 – 1961.

Year 2001, series of 2 stamps no. 439 – 40 of Catalog Yvert, value 3.55€.
Year 2001, HB 16 of Catalog Yvert, value 4.50€. Anniversary 50 of the United Nations Postal Administration.
Año 2001, serie de 4 sellos en 2 parejas unidas nº 441 – 444 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 6.40€ CADA SERIE. Cambio climático.

Year 2002, Series current of 1 stamp No. 470 from the Catalog Yvert, value 4.40€. Switzerland. 9th member of the United Nations.