Many European countries have issued stamps featuring wildlife native to their countries. These stamps are known as “wildlife filatelic” stamps as they depict wild animals and are used for postage. Examples of European countries that have issued wildlife filatelic stamps include:
- Great Britain: Royal Mail has issued several series of stamps featuring British wildlife, such as the “British Birds” series and the “British Wildlife” series.
- France: La Poste has issued stamps featuring animals such as the European bison, the European otter, and the European wolf.
- Germany: Deutsche Post has issued stamps featuring animals such as the European beaver, the European crane, and the European lynx.
- Italy: Poste Italiane has issued stamps featuring animals such as the European wolf, the European eagle owl, and the European wildcat.
- Spain: Correos has issued stamps featuring animals such as the European wolf, the Iberian lynx, and the European white stork.
Collectors of wildlife filatelic stamps of Europe may focus on collecting stamps from a specific country or region, or may seek to acquire stamps from a variety of European countries. Like in America, collecting these stamps is a great way to learn about the different wildlife species and habitats from Europe and their importance for conservation.
Wildlife stamps of Belgium
Belgium, like many European countries, has issued stamps featuring wildlife native to the country. These stamps, known as “wildlife filatelic” stamps, depict wild animals and are used for postage.
Some examples of wildlife featured on Belgian stamps include:
- The European beaver
- The European bison
- The European otter
- The European wildcat
- Birds such as the white stork and the kingfisher
- Mammals like the red deer and the roe deer
Belgium is home to a diverse range of wildlife species, many of which are protected by national and international legislation. The stamps issued by Belgium post office feature some of the most iconic and representative species of the country, and are a great way to learn more about the wildlife of Belgium and their importance for conservation.
In addition to collecting the stamps themselves, many stamp collectors in Belgium also enjoy learning about the featured wildlife and their conservation status. Some collectors may even use their collections to raise awareness and support conservation efforts for the featured species. Wildlife filatelic stamp collecting can also be a way to explore and appreciate the natural beauty and diversity of Belgian wildlife.
stamps de fauna de Gibraltar
Gibraltar, colonia británica al sur de la península Ibérica.

Año 2001, serie de 6 stamps unidos horizontalmente en parejas nº 979 – 84 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 12€.
Año 2001, folder Bloc nº 46 – 47 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 13€. Tema transporte y fauna – aves. La serie nos muestra los aviones de la Royal Navi y la Royal Air Force , además de las aves rapaces III.
stamps de fauna de Iceland.
Iceland es un país de Europa situado al norte del Océano Atlántico y al sur del círculo polar Ártico.

Año 2009, serie de 2 stamps nº 1174 – 75 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 4.10€. Tema fauna – rebaños de ovejas trashumantes.

Año 2010, serie de 2 stamps nº 1188 – 89 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 3.80€. Tema fauna – mamíferos marinos serie I.
Año 2011, serie de 2 stamps nº 1229 – 30 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 5€. Tema fauna – mamíferos marinos serie II.
stamps de fauna de Islas Feroe – Denmark.
Las Islas Feroe, perteneciente al continente Europeo, Archipiélago del Atlántico norte a 350 km de Escocia- Gran Bretaña.

Año 2006, folder de 10 stamps nº 543 – 52 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 22.50€. Tema fauna – peces de las profundidades marinas.
stamps de fauna de Norway.
Norway, estado de Europa del norte, bañado al norte y al oeste por el Mar del Norte, al este limita con Russia, Finlandia y Sweden.

Año 2005, serie de 3 stamps AUTO- ADHESIVO, nº 1474 – 76 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 10€. Tema turismo y fauna. El 1er sello muestra el Fiordo de Geiranger, el 2do sello la Cascada de Flam y el 3er sello el oso polar del Archipiélago de Svalbard.

Año 2006, serie de 5 stamps nº 1516 – 20 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 18€. Tema fauna salvaje de Norway.

Año 2006, serie AUTO – ADHESIVA de 2 stamps, nº 1532 – 33 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 4.25€. Tema fauna marina.
stamps de fauna de Poland.
Poland se encuentra en el Continente europeo. Limita al norte con Russia, al noreste con Lithuania, al este con belarus y Ukranie y al sur con Slovakia y Chequia, al oeste con Germany y el mar Báltico.

Año 2014, serie de 8 stamps sin valor indicado nº 4383 – 90 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 6.40€. Tema fauna marina – peces. Esta serie conmemora la 21 Exposición Filatélica Internacional de Varsovia.
stamps de fauna de Russia.
Russia , país del Continente europeo y asiático.

Año 2013, serie de 4 stamps en bloque de 4 nº 7365 – 68 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 4.80€. Tema fauna – cabras salvajes u ovejas.