Chinese lunar year stamps of América

The importance of Chinese culture in the United States is reflected in the Chinese lunar year stamps that have been issued for decades.

The Chinese Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is an important holiday in China and in Chinese communities around the world, including the United States. The Lunar New Year is a time for families to come together, celebrate, and honor their ancestors. It’s a time to forget the past and look forward to the future.

The Chinese Lunar New Year is celebrated by Chinese-Americans and other Asian Americans in the United States, with many communities holding parades, festivals, and other cultural events to mark the occasion. The Lunar New Year is also celebrated in many American cities, such as San Francisco and New York City, where there are large Chinese-American communities.

In the United States, the Chinese Lunar New Year has become a multicultural event, celebrated by people from different backgrounds, which reflects the diversity of the country. It has become a way for Americans to learn more about Chinese culture and history, and to appreciate the contributions of Chinese-Americans to the country.

Many Americans also take the opportunity to learn about the customs and traditions associated with the Chinese Lunar New Year, such as the giving of red envelopes filled with money to children, the lighting of fireworks, the eating of traditional foods, and the display of traditional decorations such as lanterns and banners.

Visit other South American countries through the stamps.

Chinese lunar year stamps Brasil

año de la serpiente brasil

Año 2001, serie de un sello nº 2666 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 2.50€. Año lunar chino de la serpiente. El color de la serpiente es dorado y en su cola podemos observar los diversos animales del calendario chino. En la parte inferior derecha aparece el logo de la Exposición Internacional Hong Kong 2001.

Chinese lunar year stamps United States

chinese lunar year búfalo

Año 1997, serie de un sello y un bloque de 4 nº 2577 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 1€ el sello y 4€ el bloque. Tema chinese lunar year del búfalo.

chinese lunar year 1998

Año 1998, serie de un sello nº 2676 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 1€. Año lunar del tigre.

año lunar conejo

Año 1999, serie de un sello nº 2833 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 1.25€. Año lunar de la liebre.

año de dragón 2000

Año 2000, serie de un sello nº 3’012 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 1€. Año lunar del dragón.

año de la serpiente

Año 2001, serie de un sello nº 3151 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 1€. Año lunar de la serpiente.

año de la cabra 2003

Año 2003, serie de un sello AUTO – ADHESIVO nº 3450 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 1.25€. Año lunar de la cabra.

año lunar del mono

Año 2004, serie de un sello  AUTO – ADHESIVO nº 3539 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 1.25€. Año lunar del mono.

año lunar del dragón

Año 2012, serie AUTO – ADHESIVA de un sello nº 4454 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 1.25€. Año lunar del dragón.

Si coleccionas stamps de United States visita las sección de stamps de cinema de United States.

Additionally, the Chinese Lunar New Year has also become an important economic event in the United States, with businesses catering to the needs of Chinese-Americans and others celebrating the holiday. Many retailers and businesses sell Chinese Lunar New Year decorations, food, clothing, and gifts, which has become a significant opportunity for economic growth and cross-cultural exchange.

Overall, the Chinese Lunar New Year has become an important cultural and economic event in the United States, celebrated by people from all backgrounds and bringing different communities together.

Stamps wildlife and Flora

Fauna and flora a combination that gives us the best stamp blocks of stamps of this theme that unites in the best series of stamps for collectors of fauna and flora. All this much more on the web stamps philately.

Wildlife and flora Argentina stamps

serie de fauna y flora endémica de Argentina.

Año 2009, serie de 2 stamps nº 2792 – 93 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 2€. stamps Tema fauna y flora endémicas de Argentina: Arañón de monte y Mburucuyá o pasionaria.

The arañon de monte, also known as the “Rufous Hornero,” is a species of bird that is native to Argentina and other parts of South America. It belongs to the family Furnariidae, which includes many species of ovenbirds and woodcreepers. The arañon de monte is a medium-sized bird, typically measuring around 25 centimeters in length. It has a brown plumage with a rufous head and tail. The arañon de monte is found in a wide range of habitats, including grasslands, savannas, and open woodlands. It feeds primarily on insects and spiders, which it searches for by probing the crevices of tree bark. The arañon de monte is not considered to be endangered.

folder bloc de argentina 2013
Año 2013, folder Bloc nº 136 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 10€. Conmemora la Exposición Filatelica Brasiliana 2013 en Rio de Janeiro, tema fauna: caraya rojo y flora : uña de gato.

Brazil is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including many species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish. The Amazon rainforest, which covers a large portion of the country, is home to an incredibly diverse array of animals, including jaguars, monkeys, piranhas, and anacondas. In addition to the Amazon, Brazil also has several other biomes, such as the Cerrado and the Atlantic Forest, which are home to unique species. The Cerrado, for instance, is home to the maned wolf and the giant anteater, while the Atlantic Forest is home to the golden lion tamarin and the macaw. The Pantanal, the largest wetland in the world, is a paradise for birdwatchers, with over 650 species of birds, including the hyacinth macaw and the scarlet ibis. Brazil also has a rich marine life, with many species of dolphins, whales, and sea turtles along its extensive coastlines.

Wildlife and flora stamps of Belarus

Belarus is a country located in Eastern Europe, it has a diverse and interesting fauna, including many species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish. The country is home to a large number of forest-dwelling species, such as the European bison, the elk, the wild boar and the European beaver. Also, Belarus is home to many species of birds, including the white-tailed eagle, the crane, and the black stork. In addition to the fauna, Belarus also has a rich diversity of orchids, with over 50 different species found throughout the country, including the lady’s slipper orchid and the bee orchid. Dragonflies are also an important part of the biodiversity in Belarus, with over 50 species found in the country, including the red-veined darter and the southern hawker.

series y mini-pliego de flores- orquideas.
 Año 2006,1RA SERIE, nº 570 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 1.50€
Año 2006, 2DA SERIE, nº 571 – 72 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 3€.
Año 2006, Mini – Pliego de 8 stamps nº 570 – 71 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 12€. Tema flora – orquídeas y la libélula.

Belarus offers many opportunities to explore its diverse fauna and flora. Some of the best places to visit include:

  1. Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park: This UNESCO World Heritage site is one of the oldest and most famous national parks in Europe. It is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including bison, elk, and wild boars. It also has a rich diversity of plant life, including many species of orchids and mosses.
  2. Pripyatsky National Park: This national park is located in the southwest of the country and is known for its diverse fauna, including wolves, deer, and the European beaver. The park is also home to many species of birds and dragonflies.
  3. Berezinski Biosphere Reserve: This biosphere reserve is located in the southwest of the country, in the Pripyat River Floodplain. It is known for its rich biodiversity and is home to many species of fish, birds, and mammals, including the European bison and the beaver.
  4. Narochanski National Park: This park is located in the northwest of the country, and is known for its beautiful lakes and forests. It is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including elk, wild boar, and many species of birds. It’s also a great place to spot orchids and dragonflies.
  5. Braslav Lakes National Park: This national park is located in the northwest of the country, and is known for its beautiful lakes and wetlands. It is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including beaver, elk, and many species of birds, dragonflies and orchids.

It is recommended to check the opening hours and regulations of these places before you visit, also it’s advisable to hire a guide to help you identify the different species you might encounter


folder del 2012 tema fauna y flora

Año 2012, folder Bloc nº 93 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 6€. Tema fauna y flora. Esta folder conmemora el 20 aniversario de las relaciones diplomáticas entre belarus e Israel. En la parte superior del sello encontramos los escudos de ambos países.

serie y folder de fauna y flora

Año 2013, serie de 2 stamps nº 808 – 809 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 4.50€.

Año 2013, folder Bloc nº 94 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 4.20€. Tema fauna y flora del país: El Libro Rojo de la República de belarus. En los stamps no consta el valor postal.

stamps de fauna y flora de la India.

serie  de fauna y flora de la india Año 2000, serie de 4 stamps nº 1516 – 19 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 3€. Tema flora y fauna del país en conmemoración a la exposición filatélica internacional en Calcuta. Indipex – Asiana 2000.

stamps de fauna y flora de Rumanía.

Año 2008, serie de 3 stamps nº 5334 – 36 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 5.50€.

año 2008, folder Bloc nº 362 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 5,50€. Tema fauna: pez Escardinius (Racovitzai) y Escargot ( Melanopsis Pareyssi) y flora: Nenupar de las aguas termales del Lago de Petea, reserva natural.

stamps de fauna y flora de Ukranie.

folder de fauna y flora de la primavera.

Año 2011, folder Bloc de 6 stamps nº 81 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 10€. Tema fauna y flora: la primavera. Bella folder con un diseño y colorido espectacular.

folder de 4 wildlife stamps y flora 2012

Año 2012, folder Bloc de 4 stamps nº 88 del Catálogo Yvet, valor 5,90€. Tema fauna y flora: el verano,Maravillosa folder con una muestra de la flores y frutas como la cereza y la fresa del país.

folder bloc del otoño

Año 2013, folder  Bloc de 4 stamps nº 102 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 5.40€. Tema fauna y flora: el otoño. La muchacha está rodeada de una variedad de frutas,hortalizas, flores, un ave y  hongos  ( Boletus edulis ) autóctonos de Ukranie.

folder que representa el invierno

Año 2014, folder Bloc SIN CATALOGAR  POR EL MOMENTO,con 4 stamps, tema flora y fauna: el invierno. En ella apreciamos a una muchacha en representación del crudo invierno, la misma está rodeada de nieve con pajaritos, el conejo, la ardilla y frutos del bosque.

Stamps nature parks reserves de Sri Lanka


Sri Lanka is known for its rich biodiversity and many nature parks that offer visitors the opportunity to see a wide variety of wildlife and plants. Some of the most popular nature parks in Sri Lanka include:

  1. Yala National Park: Known for its high population of leopards, Yala is also home to a variety of other wildlife such as elephants, crocodiles, and various bird species.
  2. Udawalawe National Park: This park is home to a large herd of elephants and is also a popular spot for birdwatching.
  3. Wilpattu National Park: Known for its large population of leopards, this park also features many lakes and wetlands, making it a popular spot for birdwatching.
  4. Sinharaja Forest Reserve: This UNESCO World Heritage site is a rainforest and home to a wide variety of endemic species, including birds, butterflies, reptiles, and mammals.
  5. Bundala National Park: This park is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is known for its large population of migratory water birds, including flamingos and spoonbills.
  6. Horton Plains National Park: This park is known for its stunning landscapes, including the World’s End viewpoint, and is home to a variety of wildlife including sambar deer, leopards, and bear monkey.
  7. Gal Oya National Park: It is known for its elephant population and boat safaris on Senanayake Samudraya, the largest reservoir in Sri Lanka.

All of these parks offer visitors the opportunity to see a wide variety of wildlife and plants in their natural habitats, and many also offer guided tours and safaris. Visitors should keep in mind that many of these parks have strict rules and regulations to protect the wildlife and its habitats, so it’s important to follow the guidelines provided by the park authorities.

stamps blockss fauna parque Yala.
Año 2013, 3 stamps blockss nº 125. 126 y 127 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 7.80€. Tema fauna representativa del Parque Nacional de Yala, mostrando al leopardo, el elefante y el oso en su hábitat.


Stamps nature parks reserves Ukranie

fauna y flora de Ukranie 2003

Año 2003, folder Bloc nº 34 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 3€. Tema fauna y flora del Parque  Natural Nacional de Yavoriv.

Philatelic stamps; The 7 natural wonders of Ukraine in its nature

folder de naturaleza Ukranie
Año 2011, folder nº 1035 – 41 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 9.10€. Tema fauna y flora. Las 7 maravillas naturales de Ukranie en su naturaleza.

1. The Carpathian Mountains are the largest mountain range in Ukraine, extending for about 900 km across the country from the Czech Republic to Romania. They are known for their diversity of flora and fauna, and are home to many endangered species.

2. The Crimean Mountains are located in the south of Ukraine and are comprised of limestone and sandstone formations. They are home to numerous caves, waterfalls and gorges, and the climate here is mild and sunny.

3. Synevyr Lake is a large lake in the Carpathian Mountains in western Ukraine. It is surrounded by steep cliffs and is a popular spot for fishing, boating, swimming and hiking.

4. Khortytsia Island is the largest island in the Dnieper River, located in central Ukraine. It is home to a historical reserve, a museum and an open-air theatre, and is known for its many historic monuments and archaeological sites.

5. Askania-Nova Nature Reserve is a protected area in southern Ukraine, and is home to a wide variety of rare and endangered species of plants and animals. It is one of the few areas in the world where Przewalski’s horse, an endangered species of wild horse, can be found.

6. Sinevir National Park is located in the Carpathian Mountains in western Ukraine and is known for its diverse flora and fauna. It is also home to many endangered species, including the Eurasian lynx, brown bear and European bison.

7. Podilski Tovtry National Park is located in the south of Ukraine and is known for its numerous caves, gorges, canyons and rivers. It is home to many rare species of plants and animals, and is an important area for bird watching.


reserva natural del danubio

Año 2004, folder Bloc nº 43 Catálogo Yvert, valor 4€. Fauna – aves de la reserva natural del Danubio.

folder bloc fauna 2005

Año 2005, folder Bloc nº 47 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 4€. Tema fauna de la reserva natural del parque de Karadag.

folder de 5 wildlife stamps

Año 2006, folder Bloc nº 51 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 2.50€. Tema fauna diversa del Parque Natural De Shatsk.

folder del parque natural crimea

Año 2008, folder Bloc nº 59 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 2.50€. Tema fauna variada de la reserva natural de Crimea.

folder reserva natural de Gorgany

Año 2009, folder Bloc nº 67 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 3€. Tema fauna y flora de la reserva natural de Gorgany.

fauna y flora del año 2010

Año 2010, folder Bloc nº 77 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 4€. Tema fauna y flora del Parque Nacional Natural de Svjatye Gory.