United Nations stamps are issued by the United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA), which is responsible for issuing and selling postage stamps and other philatelic products related to the United Nations. These stamps feature images and themes related to the work and goals of the United Nations, such as peacekeeping, humanitarian aid, and sustainable development. UNPA has its own post office located in the United Nations headquarters in New York City, where you can purchase these stamps.

Year 1994, series of 4 stamps no. 265 – 68 of Catalog Yvert, value 9.60€. Protection of nature. Animals in danger of extinction.

Year 1977, series of 2 stamps no. 273 – 74 of Catalog Yvert, value 1.90€. New building of the World Intellectual Property Organization in Genoa.

Year 1977, series of 2 stamps no. 275 – 76 of the Catalog Yvert, value 1.60€. Conference of the United Nations in Mar del Plata.

Year 1977, series of 2 stamps no. 277 – 78 of the Catalog Yvert, value 1.90€. The Security Council of the United Nations.

Year 1977, series of 2 stamps no. 279 – 80 of Catalog Yvert, value 1.60€. Fight against racial discrimination.

Year 1977, series of 2 stamps no. 281 – 82 of Catalog Yvert, value 1.30€. Use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes.

Year 1985, series of 1 stamp No. 434 Catalog Yvert, value 1.25€. International Center for Advanced Technical and Vocational Training in Turin – Italy.

Year 1985, series of 1 stamp No. 435 of Catalog Yvert, value 2.30€. United Nations University.

Year 1985, Series current of 2 stamps no. 436 – 37 of Catalog Yvert, value 8€. Peoples of the world and brush.

Year 1985, series of 2 stamps no. 438 – 39 of Catalog Yvert, value 3.40€. Landscapes.
Year 1985, HB 8 of the Catalog Yvert, value 4.10€.

Year 1985, series of 2 stamps no. 456 – 57 of Catalog Yvert, value 2.70€. The child survival.

Year 1986, series of 1 stamp No. 458 Catalog Yvert, value 1.10€. Africa in crisis.

Year 1985, series of 4 stamps in block of 4 no. 459 – 62 of Catalog Yvert, value 10.40€. Agenda for Development.

Year 1986, series of 2 stamps no. 463 – 64 of the Catalog Yvert, value 4.10€. The Philately, Hobby International.

Year 1986, series of 2 stamps no. 465 – 66 the Catalog Yvert, value 3.15€. International Year of Peace.

Year 1988, Series current of 1 stamp No. 512 of the Catalog Yvert, value 0.30€. Emblem of the UN.

Year 1988,series of 2 stamps no. 513 – 14 of Catalog Yvert, value 2.40€. International funds for the development of agriculture (IFAD). For a world without hunger.

Year 1988,series of 2 stamps no. 517 – 18 of Catalog Yvert, value 3.40€. The International Year of Volunteers.

Year 1988,series of 2 stamps no. 519 – 20 of Catalog Yvert, value 3.35€. Health in the sport.

Year 1988,series of 1 stamp no. 537 from the Catalog Yvert, value 1€.
Year 1988, HB 10 of Catalog Yvert, value 4.10€. 40 Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of the rights of man. Emblem.

Year 1989,series of 2 stamps no. 539 – 40 of Catalog Yvert, value 2.90€. The World Bank. Illustration of the objectives of Bank.

Year 1989,series of 1 stamp No. 541 of the Catalog Yvert, value 1.20€. Awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize 1988 to the forces to maintain the peace of the United Nations.

Year 1989,series current of 1 stamp No. 542 from Catalog Yvert, value 1.65€. Aerial view of the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

Year 1989,series of 2 stamps no. 545 – 46 of Catalog Yvert, value 4.35€. X Anniversary of the United Nations headquarters in Vienna.

Year 1989,series of 6 stamps no. 563 – 68 of Catalog Yvert, value 7.80€. Universal Declaration of the rights of man. Works by contemporary artists.

Year 1991,series of 1 stamp No. 590 Catalog Yvert, value 4.70€. Building and Emblem of the United Nations.

Year 1991,series of 2 stamps no. 591- 92 of the Catalog Yvert, value 3.20€. Rights of Children.

Year 1991,series of 2 stamps no. 593 – 94 of the Catalog Yvert, value 4.65€.Prohibition of the use of chemical weapons.

Year 1991,series of 2 stamps no. 595 – 96 of the Catalog Yvert, value 2.10€. Flag and mosaic of Norman Rockwell.

Year 1991,series of 2 stamps no. 597 – 98 of Catalog Yvert, value 2.60€. 40 Anniversary of the A.P.N.U, United Nations Postal Administration.

Year 1991,series of 6 stamps no. 599- 604 of the Catalog Yvert, value 7.80€. Universal Declaration of the rights of man. Paintings.

Year 1995, serie of 1 stamp No. 667 from the Catalog Yvert, value 1.10€. Fiftieth Anniversary of the Organization of United Nations (UN).

Year 1995, serie of 1 stamp No. 668 from the Catalog Yvert, value 2.40€. Social Summit in Copenhagen. Original Work of Hundertwasser.

Year 1995, series of 2 stamps no. 673- 74 the Catalog Yvert, value 2.70€. Youth, our future.

Year 1995, series of 2 stamps no. 675- 76 of the Catalog Yvert, value 2.70€.
Year 1995, HB 12 of Catalog Yvert, value 2.80€. Anniversary 50 of the United Nations.

Year 1995, series current of 1 stamp No. 677 of Catalog Yvert, value 0.55€. United Nations Headquarters and the flags of countries members of the Organization.

Year 1995, series of 2 stamps no. 678 – 79 of the Catalog Yvert, value 2.60€. IV World Conference on Women.

Year 2001, series of 2 stamps no. 843 – 44 of Catalog Yvert, value 3.40€. The International Year of Volunteers. Paintings made for the International Exhibition of the Heart ” a Heart, a World”.

Year 2001, series of 1 stamp No. 863 of Catalog Yvert, value 2€. 40 Anniversary of the death of Dag Hammarskjole, Secretary General of 1953 – 1961.

Year 2001, series of 2 stamps no. 864 – 65 of Catalog Yvert, value 3.40€.
Year 2001, HB 22 of Catalog Yvert, value 4.40€. Anniversary 50 of the Postal Administration of the United Nations.

Año 2001, serie de 4 sellos en 2 parejas unidas nº 866 – 869 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 5€ CADA SERIE. Cambio climático.

Year 2001, Series current of 1 stamp No. 871 from the Catalog Yvert, value 2.50€. The young collectors, parades of children with stamps.

Año 2016, serie de 4 sellos unidos en pareja horizontalmente nº 1495 – 98 del Catálogo Yvert, valor 8.40€. El Deporte para la Paz. Juegos Olímpicos.